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Print this pageForward this document  Transfer of amount for disabled person

Why does DT Max transfer the amount for disabled person of a dependant other than the spouse to the family head, in cases where the family head doesn't need that amount but the spouse could benefit from it on the federal return?

This is due to an error in the program. In certain cases, when the family head has enough non refundable tax credits to keep the federal tax down to nil, DT Max doesn't transfer automatically to the spouse the amount for disabled person of another dependant. This problem, however, has no incidence on the similar transfer available for Quebec tax purposes.

As a workaround, use the keyword Override in the file of the family head and enter "0" in order to cancel the transfer on line 318. Then, in the spouse's file, use Override to enter the disability amount on line 318.

August 22, 2002